WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:

First off, I would like to thank each and every single one of you who are with us. I value you as customers and I understand that I can not stay in business without you. I hope you feel as if I have been listening to your feedback. I have been reading all the comments and private messages and I have taken everything that has been said into consideration. Every single one of you who has commented has been truly thoughtful about writing constructive criticism and or compliments. I am elated that you like the content we have put out already and I am so honored that so many of you have put in really good feedback to help us " EVOLVE" This site is meant to be very interactive. While the matches will remain unscripted, We do implement whatever requests you have into the scripted Prize rounds of our matches. Some of you were asking for bondage....We just updated with a bondage round4 with Nikki Delano and Will Havoc. Some of you love the Pegging, We updated with Kelli P pegging poor little Tony Orlando. If you ask for it, We will try to make it happen if it's within reason. I really hope you have noticed this and you feel comfortable discussing your kink with me in comments or in email if you are shy. If you prefer a little more discretion, you may email your requests at info@evolvedfights.com Please note: This is not an invitation to send me a custom script where you write you a choreographed fight and tell me who you wish to see win and or lose. As I mentioned, Our matches are unscripted. If you have a simple request like " have the winner lift and carry the loser" or " cum in the losers eye" or " Try to get Wenona to wrestle for you" These are all great things we can implement into our unscripted matches. I really enjoy feedback. This site is here for YOU. While this is my project, I am here for you to give you the content you wish to see and hopefully give you an experience you can't find anywhere else. Suggestions are always welcome. Our door is open. Cheers and Happy New year

Thank you for being open to feedback on your wonderful site! Would it be possible for a female winner to use a camel clutch in the victory round?
YES, completely possible
Thank you!!!
Thanks for your Evolved Fights, it's like a materializazton of my deepest dreams about sex fights. I have always though that to have an exciting mixed match is necessay to choose the right woman (attractive, strong, sexy and really motivated) and, more difficult to find, the right man. This must be proud, willing to win, but not too strong or too skilled, so both competitors could have the same possibility to win. Or, in my personal opinion, the chanche must be 60% for the girl and 40% for the man. I see that your girls have different body characteristics: you present tall and short, muscular or leans girls. In my opinion, I would like to see the BBW Mimosa - who appeared on U.S.- against a male like Chad Diamond or Tony Orlando.
Hello Ariel, thanks for all you are doing and to be opened. I just have 1 question. Why don't you fight ? You are though, string, food skills and many Time US champion. My only Dream IS tout see you kick some Guy's ass and then spank them otk and ots and fuck their ass
Thank you for the nice compliments. I do not perform with Males. I will be on the Lesbian edition which will be launching soon